
So the marks are in. 64% for the first module this year, which puts me on track for a solid 2:1 at the end, but there is still quite a way to go yet. I'm reasonably pleased with that as I didn't really enjoy this one. This module was all about Photoshop and lighting skills, taking an object sourced from one of three places and swapping part of it with a live model. For this I took one of plastic players heads and moved it onto the model's body, and moved the model into the game. The final image is made up of 3 photos, the game in the location, the model scaled down to fit the game and a macro image of the head to make sure it was large enough to look convincing. The location was Gateshead Fell Cricket Club.

Feedback was helpful with some good pointers on how I could have raised the mark, the biggest being the lack of contact between the model and the table. Positives were good Photoshop skills, good location and good handling of the mixed lighting.

The above image wasn't how I'd planned the shoot. There was supposed to be 2 models in the shot, one one either side actually playing the game, however one of them pulled out at the last minute so I needed to do a quick rethink, which involved having the plastic player looming over the game with the model looking up in horror.


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